Religion is extremely important to many people, often much more so than politics and other very personal concerns, and taking a stab at something people hold very dear is asking for trouble (though I know, sometimes that's the point.). Sex, quite simply, is also something else that's important to people, and attention getting by nature. While this means it can be an effective marketing ploy, or way of adding some excitement to a movie or whathaveyou, it doesn't necessarily mean that using it to do so is always appropriate. dildos And the sex. Oh, the sex. See, even though I the relationship I was in while I had that mattress was of the famous Lesbian Bed Death variety, I knew that bed made a difference in the fucking. Whenever there's a direct genital to genital contact, there is some risk. If you used a condom then the risk is lower. If, above all that, there was no ejaculation then, the risk decreases even more. dildos wholesale vibrators Mom decided it was too far...